I returned to work at Dizzys last night as a hostess.
Brandi and I were working together and I noticed immediately she was distracted. I soon found out she was under pressure to submit her personal statement for her NYU masters application. I asked her if I could read it. She had a solid three page essay on her background and desire to continue her social work through the non-profit sector of social work. I edited the hell out of it, grammatically and structurally, of course. The content was great. She was very pleased when I submitted the pages with various notes. My point is, it felt great to help her. It also felt great to use my brain. I love editing. I've never been superb at developing and writing extensive papers but I can always point out what needs a little work. I wish I could be more focused to finished writing my campaign. It's a little difficult balancing three industries while being proactive in all of them. Maybe I need a little more structure. Thank God Dan has his own priorities so that I have time to refocus on mine. He motivates me too. It works. and helps.
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